
How to reach us

  • Address: Crea System - Galleria Ugo Bassi, 1, 40121 BO
  • 20 minutes' walk from the station
  • Parking: Garage with Crea System agreement; to get the reduced rate, simply go to reception with your parking ticket and stamp it with the Crea System logo. Check the ZTL permissions.
  • By bus (from station):
    • Tper Line 25 from Stazione Centrale to Ugo Bassi stop
    • Tper Line 15 from Piazza XX Settembre to Ugo Bassi stop
    • Tper Line 30 from Stazione Centrale to Ugo Bassi stop
  • At the main door:
    • Button "Crea System" for the reception
    • Dial 42 to ring the office bell directly


  • Bologna employees with registered fingerprint can access the office everytime, at any date and hour (also weekend).
  • Reception times: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm
  • Rooms:
    • 1 private office room with 8 desks
    • 2 conference rooms (to be booked in advance with extra costs - please refer to the Bologna Facility Manager for instructions):
      • Meeting room 04, at Via Nazario Sauro 4 (from 10 to 25 seats)
      • Meeting room 15, at Galleria Ugo Bassi 1 (up to 10 seats)

Patronal Feast

  • The office will be closed on October 4th.

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